MubarakRishte Blog

Dowry in Muslim Marriage

Created at : 2018-10-31 12:42:34

Author Name: Sobiya Juveriya

Dowry in Muslim Marriage

Dowry in Muslim Marriage 

Quran Says:
And give the women [upon marriage] their [bridal] gifts graciously. But if they give up willingly to you anything of it, then take it in satisfaction and ease. 
(Surah Nisa, Chapter: 4 Aayat: 4) 
The Aayat mentioned above from Al-Qur'an speaks about the Dowry, which is supposed to be given to would be Bride from the groom as a Bridal-Gift or Dower. This is the actual way of Nikah in Islam
Let’s have a look in life of the Noble Prophet Mohammed (sas-Peace be upon him). When Hazrat Ali (ra) asked Hazrat Fatima’s (ra) hand in marriage, Prophet Mohammed (sas-Peace be upon him) asked Ali (ra) “Do you have anything to offer in Dowry?” Ali (ra) replied, “No, I do not have anything!” 
Mohammed (sas) enquired, “Where is the shield I gave you?” Ali (ra) answered, “I still have it.” 
Thereupon, Ali (ra) was instructed to sell the Shield given by Mohammed (sas-Peace be upon him) and was informed that the proceeds would be sufficient for the dowry and Marriage expenses. 
(Source: Good word) 
The above words are best example for Muslims and the customs today what we have been following in our Life during Wedding is against Islam. Islam teaches us simple living and Qur’an teaches us the best of Living, it speaks on all the aspect of life to be lived by a Muslim. We need to follow in our life that there is nothing as such in Islam called Dowry from Bride's side but It's Mandatory in Islamic way of Marriage that a Groom is supposed to give something to the Bride which is Called "Maher" in Islam.
Allah (swt) had sent Al-Quran which is a message to the entire Ummah on how to live Life.
This evil practice of giving Dowry from Bride's side in the society is not the way of Muslim Wedding but it is
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