MubarakRishte Blog

Marriage Money Misunderstandings
Posted on: 2018-11-08 19:07:08Author Name: SOBIYA JUVERIYA
In today's generation we find 70% in the Married crowd are working professionals, we like it or we do not like it, Money is playing a big role in every Marriage, the Major problem what most of the Married Couples facing this is letting them into mis...

My Second Marriage
Posted on: 2018-11-08 17:05:43Author Name: SOBIYA JUVERIYA
I am Dania from a simple Muslim Family, I got Married in a joint family at the age of 19, being too young I could not understand how to actually deal with multiple relations in the new Family, as I was the only daughter of my parents and was bought up alo...

The Quest For Right Husband & Right Wife
Posted on: 2018-11-07 18:43:15Author Name: SOBIYA JUVERIYA
Marriage itself today has become a quest as every individual is in search of MR. Right & Mrs. Right with zeal of having a perfect Marriage Relation; this had turned another big reason why Marriages fail. The quest for right husband right wife ...